At Rock Solid Termite & Pest Control, our experts have provided quality pest control services for over 26 years. Our staff is trained and certified, enabling us to maintain the level of our services. We treat the following.
Ants, Roaches, Spiders and other pests have been on this planet for eons. They play an important role in the ecology of our world. However, we want them to remain outside of our homes and buildings. This is where Rock Solid comes in. For more than 25 years we have kept Tallahassee homes and businesses free of pests and we aim to keep it that way.
Rock Solid's experienced technicians understand the behavior and habitats of infesting insects and how they may live on or in a client's property. We surgically apply the latest products with long residual properties (baits) and employ procedures that virtually eliminate exposed pesticides. Outside we use Micro encapsulated pesticides and other methods to develop a customized program of treatment using the latest industry techniques. The result is the elimination of the infestation.
Our trained staff with over 25 years experience has kept Tallahassee homes and businesses safe from the destruction that termites can cause. We use eco-friendly, safe and reliable industry leading products.
Subterranean termite treatments vary depending on the types of foundation. The important aspect of treatment is understanding termites and how a client's specific foundation (slab or raised) plays a key role in allowing termites access, and creating an infestation. With the knowledge and expertise of Rock Solid technicians, we will develop a comprehensive plan of attack, formulated and executed to solve any technical issues and create the best protection for prevention and control of subterranean termites.
How did I get bed bugs? I am very careful, change sheets regularly and maintain good hygiene. So why oh why did I get bed bugs?
Bed Bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped insects that have been causing problems for people for thousands of years. These insects feed on the blood of mammals and are named after the fact that they prefer to live in dark, warm and dry environments, such as mattresses, pillows and furniture cushions.
Bed bugs have made an unwelcome comeback and are picked up almost anywhere — offices, stores, hotels, gyms, old furniture and any other place they find comfortable to nest in. They may even hitch a ride on you! Once indoors, they can be very difficult to control and get rid of. The earlier they are detected the greater your chances of avoiding a costly bed bug infestation.
Control can be very difficult but your Rock Solid technician will tailor a treatment plan specific to your type of infestation. These pests require more that "one size fits all" approach.
Contact Information
Phone: 850-386-7872
Address: 1535 Killearn Center Blvd,
Suite B-3, Tallahassee, FL 32309
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm
Our Location
Contact Information
Phone: 850-386-7872
Address: 1535 Killearn Center Blvd,
Suite B-3, Tallahassee, FL 32309
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm
Our Location